Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Education Policy?

The school year is about to begin and kids are on their way to doing tons of busy work while carrying heavy back sacks home daily. Let's see, why couldn't we try a schedule that would be 2 hours a class and 2 classes a day. Of course without a kid in school for 8 hours that would force parents to be more active with their children. This would allow more family time and time for extra-curricular which us westerners love so much. Think about how much more can be learned in two hours instead of one especially when it comes to math and science. Also more time outside the classroom would mean that kids could go to school all year around. This would allow more time being spent on giving kids depth in their knowledge instead of familiarization. Just saying!

1 comment:

  1. Not sure about the length of time spent in class, but year-round schooling could be helpful
