Thursday, January 5, 2012

Instant Regret

My parents were divorced when I was 5 years old. I never got a chance to ask the questions I wanted to ask. Most of the time I was brushed off because I was either too young to understand or too old to be thinking about things that happened so long ago. A while back I wrote my father a letter, I let him know that if he wanted to have a relationship with me then the best thing to do would be to be candid about his mistakes and pitfalls throughout life.

Sooooo today, I was returning a phone call from my father and I decided to ask him some of those questions. What was the woman you left my mom for like? Have you seen her lately? When did you regret your decision to leave us? He responded to the last question "instantly". His response caught me instantly off guard. A simple answer but there was so much truth in his voice I couldn't even question it. He told me that he felt helpless because he let so many things blind him. He was blinded until he lost what was most important.

My father is 57 years old. I've seen him and my mother date and try to have relationships with other men. It's sad that they are absolutely perfect for one another. My mother has convinced herself that she is better without him but never finding happiness in another man. She only smiles and really laughs when she reminisces about the 15 years that her and my father were married. My father on the other hand has had relationships and children but never getting over the fact that he lost time and his family chasing something that he never found.

"Instantly" rang over and over in my head. "Instantly" created a barrier that won't allow me to give up on my family so easily. If I would instantly regret a decision that would change the lives of my wife and my children it deserves tons of thought. The amount of thought that couldn't be found in the time it takes to drive a woman home from a club. The time is takes to put on a condom? The 10-20 minutes it takes to climax? Is it worth instant regret. I would guess not! But, as a man my only hope is to busy myself with bettering myself. My only hope is to love my family more than I love myself. "Instant Regret" is too large of a price.

Monday, January 2, 2012

A busy January

Tomorrow, I'm starting Arabic class and my first class towards my masters. I'm also on the Daniel fast. Me and the wife decided to add "No Sex" for 3 weeks to the fast.I'm ending day 2 and I keep getting head aches. I'm really thinking that I'm having sugar/caffeine withdrawal. Who would have ever thought that the eating part would be the hardest between no sex and no meat or bread. I'm not going to lie about how scared I am for what 2012 will bring in my life. I'm in completely uncharted territory. I'm at the point that I'm relying on ole negro spirituals to continue to be positive and have motivation. "I know he didn't bring me this far to leave me" plays over and over again in my head. When it comes to this fast I've noticed that my nutrition has never really been to good. But, I'm on the cusp of having high blood pressure and I don't want to start having medical problems at 25. Anyways, I've been trying to help out around the house more and really focus on spending time with my wife. She dropped a ton a bricks on me the other day. Expressing that she thought the only time I was nice or sweet to her was when I wanted sex. Going on to say that it has made it become more of a chore than love making. I of course hate losing in any aspect of the word so I decided to start washing the dishes and just being nicer or listening more than I have been. After this Daniel fast of no sex for 3 weeks hopefully things will be looking up. If you can learn anything from what my wife told me, spend time with your significant other. Kiss them, hug them, be next to them for no reason at all. Or you'll find yourself doing 3 weeks of celibacy or worst alone.