Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Ending and Beginnings

The truth is that all sports fans should be proud to have witnessed one of the best playoffs since 1998. We also witnessed why hard work always pays off in the end. In the barbershop I had a discussion with a gentleman about Lebron's greatness. No doubt he is great, but his work ethic needs to catch his potential. Also, there is something to be said for having a good attitude. People win and people lose, you have to be on one side of it, why act like a baby? The other thing I don't understand is why if your so much above people and their hatred, why respond? I'm not making any predictions for next year because this year I learned that the lakers with Shaq was the last true dynasty we'll see for a while.

I watched the GOP debate the other day and I was thoroughly impressed by Ron Paul and surprisingly Michelle Bachman. Up until this point, all the things I know about her have been negative. While on that stage she stuck to her record and what she truly believes in. She also understand the difference between a debate and free publicity. ANSWER THE QUESTIONS TIM PAWLENTY! Anyway Ron Paul is always a treat if, he ever worked the crowd like my friend pointed out, he would definitely have a shot at the seat. My real question is what could any of these people do differently? Repeal Obamacare? Repeal the repeal of DADT? Neither has anything to do with the economy. The government need to just get out of the way. Any good baseball teams I should watch, that are not the Indians.